© Speakeasylaryngectomee.co.uk 2013
Mental Health
What are the symptoms of Depression?
There are other symptoms but these are the main ones:-
Constant sighing
Not wanting
to leave the house
Not wanting to talk to friends or family
Staying up all night, sleeping
all day
Who can be affected?
Depression can happen to anyone regardless of age or sex. It can happen at anytime
even if life seems to be perfect.
You may question yourself “what's wrong with me?”
gets depressed, but don't be afraid to tell people like friends and family. But your
Doctor is the best person to tell.
You can be affected especially if there has been
major changes in your life or something depressing has happened past and is still
on your mind.
For People with Mental Health:
Help is available please contact us.
Everyone feels a bit low sometimes -